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Travel Information

By Air: Toulouse (1.5 hours), Bergerac (1.5 hours), Carcassonne (2 hours) and Rodez (2.5 hours)
By Train: Cahors (trains from Paris) and Agen (fast train via Lille)
By Car: A20, exit 57 (north), or exit 58 (south). A62 exit 9 (east), or exit 8 (west)

We are only 5 minutes from Montcuq and 25 minutes from Cahors
Driving directions to Berty can be created on google maps – this link will take you to an online map
Directions from Montcuq
At the crossroads in Montcuq, take the D28 , signposted to St Laurent-Lolmie
After passing the recycling bins on the right-hand side of the road, turn right on the D45 towards Montlauzun (also signposted Eglise de Rouillac).
As you come into the village you will see the church on your left. Take the first left turn, on to Chemin de Rouillac, and drive through the tiny village keeping the church on your left, and go on down the hill.
At the T junction at the bottom of the hill you will see Berty on the other side of the road. Turn left and continue for about 50 metres to the gite entrance on your right