Category Archives: News

All the latest news for Berty Gite

Biodiversity – July

Update 24 July: the busiest month so far in terms of variety of insects and wildlife, and I am constantly adding to my collection of photos.

This morning, the Merlin bird id app told me that in the garden there were over a dozen different birds in the space of about 15 minutes! Long-tailed Tit, Firecrest, Wood Pigeon, Spotted Flycatcher, Blackcap, Turtle Dove, Collared Dove, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin, Golden Oriole, Blue Tit, Chiffchaff

I had heard a lot of chattering from the Spotted Flycatchers yesterday evening, though I couldn’t see them!

I will update the captions with the names, as only some of the latin names have come with the images.

The Meadow Brown butterflies are giving way now to Marbled White, and generally there is a lot more variety of smaller insects to spot, as well as dragonflies. Still lots of fabulous birdsong to enjoy, including our resident Wrens, Blackcaps, Robins and Blackbirds, and the visiting Golden Oriole. Look out too for the little lizards that like to bask in the sun.

Biodiversity – May & June

I’ve set myself a project to try and photograph all the different insects and wild flowers that we enjoy here. It is a big task, but really interesting. I’ve also been listening to the bird song and using the Merlin app to identify them. We are very fortunate to not only have a whole host of resident birds, but also many seasonal visitors (including other noisy inhabitants like frogs and crickets). Right now, in June, we have Nightingales and Golden Orioles to hear every day.

Here is a selection of wildlife seen in May, here in the garden:-

In June, the orchids are still going, but lots of new insects to see

Spring / Printemps 2024

This year has seen a very mild winter and warm early Spring, which has created fantastic conditions for enjoying the resident wildlife and wild flowers. We have started trying to photograph the biodiversity and would love to encourage more visitors to come and enjoy this wonderful environment outside of high season. All the photos have been taken in the garden here at Berty.

Cette année, l’hiver a été très doux et le printemps chaud, ce qui a créé des conditions fantastiques pour profiter de la faune et des fleurs sauvages. Nous avons commencé à essayer de photographier la biodiversité et nous aimerions encourager davantage de visiteurs à venir profiter de ce merveilleux environnement en dehors de la haute saison. Tous les photos sont pris ici à Berty.

March / Mars

In addition to the insects, we have heard and seen lots of birds, which we are enjoying identifying thanks to the Merlin bird app.

April / Avril

Spring and Summer 2023

We are looking forward to another lovely year here at Berty.

We have decided to do our bit to help reduce inflation by going back in time – our High Season price for this year is now the same as it was in 2019 – Make a booking before we change our minds!

In nearby Montcuq, there are going to be some new things to enjoy, with a tapas bar just opened, and a mobile guinguette (cabaret-bar) planned for several nights.

There is a new website for the community of communes, where you can discover more about this delightful part of South West France

Montcuq, Lauzerte and other nearby towns now use the app IntraMuros for sharing upcoming events and activities, so it’s a good idea to download that so that you can keep up to date.
Find it on Google Play or the App Store

Summer 2022

The days are hot and long, and the nights a little too short for serious astro-photography, but we were delighted to have clear skies for capturing July’s fabulous Thunder or Buck Moon.

Thunder Moon over Montcuq tower
Full moon rising by a gariotte

Latest additions to comfort for our guests in Berty Gite

  • an air-conditioning unit in the living area, which should ensure that it is always comfortably cool, however hot it gets outside
  • heat exchange pump for the swimming pool, so that we can warm it up even when the sun doesn’t shine, and cool it down if it gets over 30c

A BBQ outdoors in the shade at Berty is a perfect way to prepare a relaxing lunch or dinner. So as our old Aussie-style BBQ needed replacing, we have installed a super new charcoal BBQ – a Weber 57cm Master Touch Premium 😉

We took a poll of other gite owners in France and an overwhelming vote came back in favour of charcoal over gas as the fuel source.

OK, we know some will say ….Ah yes it’s great when it’s alight, but that can be a challenge…… well fear not, this Weber BBQ comes with a charcoal chimney to easily light the charcoal before spreading them on the burner rack or into the charcoal trays.

Berty Gite…. making your French holiday just that little bit more special!

As always, a warm welcome awaits our summer visitors.