Update 24 July: the busiest month so far in terms of variety of insects and wildlife, and I am constantly adding to my collection of photos.

This morning, the Merlin bird id app told me that in the garden there were over a dozen different birds in the space of about 15 minutes! Long-tailed Tit, Firecrest, Wood Pigeon, Spotted Flycatcher, Blackcap, Turtle Dove, Collared Dove, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin, Golden Oriole, Blue Tit, Chiffchaff
I had heard a lot of chattering from the Spotted Flycatchers yesterday evening, though I couldn’t see them!
I will update the captions with the names, as only some of the latin names have come with the images.

The Meadow Brown butterflies are giving way now to Marbled White, and generally there is a lot more variety of smaller insects to spot, as well as dragonflies. Still lots of fabulous birdsong to enjoy, including our resident Wrens, Blackcaps, Robins and Blackbirds, and the visiting Golden Oriole. Look out too for the little lizards that like to bask in the sun.