A traditional stone-built converted barn in the idyllic Lot countryside
Biodiversity – May & June
I’ve set myself a project to try and photograph all the different insects and wild flowers that we enjoy here. It is a big task, but really interesting. I’ve also been listening to the bird song and using the Merlin app to identify them. We are very fortunate to not only have a whole host of resident birds, but also many seasonal visitors (including other noisy inhabitants like frogs and crickets). Right now, in June, we have Nightingales and Golden Orioles to hear every day.
Here is a selection of wildlife seen in May, here in the garden:-
Soft-lined Wave Moth, Scopula InductataWood Pigeon, Columba palumbuscryptocephalus hypochaeridishoverflyMeadow Fritillary, melitaea parthenoidesCommon Blue (female), polyommatus icarusCommon Blue (male), polyommatus icarusBurnet Companion, euclidia glyphicaCommon Blue, polyommatus icarusbumble bee feeding on honeywort5 spot burnet moth, zygaena trifoliiPyramidal orchid, anacamptis pyrmidalismixed meadow flowers and grassesSerapias (tongue) orchidyoung Mediterranean spotted chaferBee orchid, ophrys apiferatrichodes beetle – the larvae are parasites of beesKnapweed fritillary, on knapweedSmall heath, coemonympha pamphilusKnapweed fritillary, Melitaea PhoebeSoldier fly, chloromyiaMediterranean spotted chafer, oxythrea funestaMint beetle, chrysolina herbacaeaDrone fly, eristalisWood avens, geum urbanumDog rose, rosa caninaCranesbill (herb robert), geranium robertianum
In June, the orchids are still going, but lots of new insects to see
DragonflyLa punaise écuyère
Lygaeus equestrisLizard Orchid, Himantoglossum hircinumMarbled White, Melanargia galatheaMeadow Brown, Maniola jurtinaMinstrel Bugs, graphosoma italicaCommon Poppy, papaver rhoeasSpotted Sulphur Moth, emmelia trabealisa sweet little Mint moth, I think, pyraustra aurataJewel beetle, coraebus rubiA frog in the water-lily pondWho you looking at? (A soldier beetle)Tawny Wave Moth, scopula rubiginataunderside of a Meadow Brown, Maniola jurtinaCarpocoris shield bugYellow-legged Beetle, Oedemera flavipesViolet Carpenter Bee, xylocopa vulgaSmall White, pieris rapaeSpeckled Wood, Pararge aegeriaGlanville Fritillary, melitaea cinxiapink and white bee orchidsPearly Heath, Coenonympha arcania, Le Céphale